The Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA RIAU) conducted another face-to-face training to strengthen budget learning capacity (FITRA RIAU) for the first time in 2022 since Covid 19, so far the last 2 years have only been held online.
The regional planning and budgeting study was held on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. Sri Roserdevi Nasution, as Deputy Dean II in his remarks said, this activity was one part of several follow-ups to the MOU between Fitra Riau and FIA Unilak which was agreed in 2020 .
“Fitra Riau’s work which concentrates on budget issues is a medium of knowledge for students, for this reason it is very relevant if Fitra Riau as a resource person knows and studies and analyzes both the APBD and APBN budgets”
This training activity was carried out offline, the participants seemed serious about carrying out the activity, with the discussion of questions and answers submitted by each participant, as well as the practice of analyzing.
Fitra Riau, Triono Hadi in his speech also explained, related to the general principle of planning and budgeting which includes that planning must be open, participatory and furthermore besides that the budget must be effective and efficient.
“We really appreciate the enthusiasm of younger students who took part in this training, where younger students will later become agents of change for this nation in the future, we hope that with this collaboration, students will grow critical students who are able to understand budget management both regionally and centrally.
Please note, students who take part in this training consist of several semester levels, both semesters I, II, III, IV and semester VII. Which the total number of participants was 60 students.
Fajar Wati, a lecturer in charge of the Regional Financial Management course acting as moderator said, this lesson was divided into two sessions, the first session: Planning and Budgeting which was delivered directly by the Fitra Riau Coordinator, Mr. Triono Hadi and the second session: Reading and Analysis of APBD delivered by Deputy Fitra Riau, Mr. Tarmidzi.
Fajar Wati further added
“The learning method related to the material presented is the method of exposure, discussion of questions and answers and also the practice of analyzing the APBD”
The results of this activity also recommended that 5 students take part in the apprenticeship process at Fitra Riau. Close Dawn Wati.